Upcoming Courses

Masters Pelvis & Acetabular Fracture Fixation Course


Saturday, 24th May 2025to
Sunday, 25th May 2025


Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Macquarie University
Sydney NSW 2109

Target Audience

Course is designed for Set 5, fellows and junior consultants and priority registration will be given to these applicants.

Course Outline

Registration opens mid February 2025

Course Cost $2000+GST. (Course value $6,500 per delegate).

This is an interactive course involving lectures, case reviews, panel discussion and hands on cadaveric workshops, designed around a small group environment with a faculty of highly regarded specialists in pelvic & acetabular fracture surgery.

The maximum ratio for cadaveric workshops will be 3:1 for delegates to faculty and specimen.

Radiolucent tables with C-ARM X Ray will allow assessment of fracture reduction and fixation.

Topics covered will include indications for surgery, surgical planning and approaches, reduction and fixation techniques as well as discussions around management of complications. Time will also be dedicated to the role and application of percutaneous techniques.

The course is intended for advanced surgeons and trainees interested in the management pelvic and acetabular fractures.


Professor Mark Rickman, Director of Orthopaedic Trauma, Royal Adelaide Hospital, SA


Professor Ton Tran, Director of Orthopaedic Services, Monash Health, Melbourne, VIC
Dr Rohan Brunello, Wesley Orthopaedic Group, Auchenflower, QLD
Dr Joseph Isaacs, Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney NSW
A/Professor Chris Morrey, Cairns Hospital & Cairns Orthopaedic Clinic, Cairns, QLD
A/Professor Andrew Bucknill, Head of Orthopaedic Pelvic and Acetabular Surgery, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne, VIC
Mr Rob Orec, Middlemore Hospital, Otahuhu, New Zealand

Educational Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the delegates should be able to:

  • Use safely and effectively pelvic & acetabular specific fracture devices from Stryker: Matta Pelvic System (implants / instruments), Pelvic PRO instrumentation, Reduction Instruments, Hoffmann External fixators & Asnis Cannulated Screws.
  • Explain the classification of pelvic and acetabular fractures and their application to making management choices in acute care.
  • Delineate logical choices in surgical approach and intra-operative techniques based on patient and fracture characteristics.
  • Assess the selection and use of fracture devices and instrumentation based on fracture type.
  • Demonstrate the application of devices and instrumentation on cadaver models.
  • Discuss common complications, how to minimise them and how to manage them if they occur.

Fracture Management Course: Fractures of the Foot & Ankle


Saturday, 24th May 2025to
Sunday, 25th May 2025


Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Macquarie University
Sydney NSW 2109

Target Audience

SET 1-3 will be given priority access

Course Outline

Registration opens mid February 2025

Course Cost: $650+GST

This is an interactive course involving lectures, case reviews, panel discussion and hands on workshops, based in a small group environment with a maximum ratio of 4:1 for specimens.

Topics from multiple exposures of the foot and ankle to management and use of alternative techniques in foot and ankle fracture management will be covered.

The program is an exciting mix of dissections for both standard and alternative approaches to the foot and ankle.


Dr Darren Webb, Dandenong Hospital, Melbourne, VIC


Dr Ben Beamond, Wakefield Orthopaedic Clinic & Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, SA
Dr Alison Taylor, Eastern Health, Melbourne, VIC
Dr Michael Lutz, St Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital and Mater Hospital, Brisbane, QLD
Dr Saqib Zafar, Calvary John James Hospital & Orthopaedics ACT, Canberra, ACT
Dr Hamish Curry, The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC

Advanced Fracture Management Course: Fractures of the Upper Limb: Approaches and Management


Saturday, 26th July 2025to
Sunday, 27th July 2025


Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Macquarie University
Sydney NSW 2109

Target Audience

SET 2-5, Fellows, Consultants (<5 years post qualification only).

Course Outline

Registration opens in March 2025.

Course Cost: $650+GST

This is an interactive course involving lectures, case reviews, panel discussion and hands-on cadaveric workshops, based in a small group environment.

Multiple standard & alternative exposures of the shoulder, elbow & forearm, plus specialised techniques in upper limb fracture management will be covered.

This course will include presentations and cadaver sessions & is designed for Set 2-5 and Consultants. The maximum ratio for cadaveric workshops will be 4:1.


Dr Manish Gupta, Nepean Hospital, NSW


Dr Song Liang Ezekiel Tan, Gold Coast University Hospital, Southport, QLD
Dr Kalman Piper, Westmead Public Hospital, Sydney, NSW
Dr Andrew Mayo, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Brisbane, QLD
Dr Mohammed Baba, Westmead Public Hospital, Sydney, NSW
Dr Terence Moopanar, Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, NSW